Monday, August 18, 2008

“Don't worry about life, you're not going to survive it anyway.”

I've begun to wonder what else can go crazy in our lives?!?!

We've been having so much fun with Joe in the past few weeks with his hospital stays, doctor visits, outpatients surgeries and the "tummy worm". I guess my inner self wanted some sympathy. So, I've...

1. Been having right leg pain. It's felt like someone hit my entire leg with a baseball bat. Add to that the feeling that my leg is extremely tired and feels like I'm dragging a cannon for a leg.

2. Then one night, I'm lying on the bed watching TV and both of my feet (ankles down) lock up in the most excruciating pain I've ever had in my feet. Even wearing 3" heels with a foot blister never hurt this bad! I couldn't move, I couldn't stand up. This lasted for about 20 minutes.

3. Next I develop back spasms that make it almost impossible to walk and to stand up straight. I go to the doctor, he schedules me for my first MRI. Now that was an experience. Lying in a rocket tube that makes sounds like you're going to become a human firecracker.

4. The awful sound of my alarm clock jars me awake and I can't bring myself to get out of bed. The pain is too great. I even call my boss to tell her I won't be coming into work. I stay in the bed for a few more minutes and realize I have to go to work. Something doesn't feel right. No matter what, I've got to get there. It's a good thing I did. Someone comes from the corporate office in Nashville, Tennessee to tell the entire distribution center that it will be closing in 30-60 days. We were told about 4 weeks ago that the company was going through a restructuring bankruptcy, but things looked very hopeful. Yeah right. There goes my health insurance, there goes my dental insurance, there goes my life insurance, there goes all my benefits again. Then that afternoon, I went back to the doctor and find out that I have fluid on the knee, some tear in my leg muscle, etc. And, my back is still having spasms! Thank God it's Friday and I can go home for the weekend!!!

5. After doping myself up with every legal and over-the-counter medicine possible, I sleep a wonderful sleep. Duh, you think!!! Then later in the morning, my sweet husband gave me his first blessing. Our Heavenly Father must have heard it because I realized sometime later in the day that the pain had disappeared entirely from my body. I was almost afraid to acknowledge that fact for fear it would return.

6. I've been virtually pain-free for the weekend. But then comes today - Monday!!! I came to work not knowing if today would be my last day or tomorrow or the next day or the next. But no, I find out my boss has given her two week notice. That means I'll be the Human Resources department until whenever. Holy Moly! Then it was back to the doctor this afternoon for a follow up to my July mammograms and having him check my "girls" and my legs.

7. Joe went for blood workup today and got the results from his kidney doctor that his blood appears to be great. Consequently he doesn't have to go on dialysis at this time. Yeah!!! Thank goodness things are looking up for him.

Hey, it's only Monday. I can hardly wait to see what's gonna happen the rest of the week!


  1. At least you still have your sense of humor. I still think you need to become a consultant for daycare providers or something. I know there is the little issue of needing insurance.

  2. Golly! Well I still love you. :) Good Luck with everything!!!!!!!!!!!!
