Tuesday, May 3, 2011

National Teacher Day

Today is another holiday to be celebrated - National Teacher Day.

My mom saved my report cards from 1st Grade to 7th grade and I happened to run across them tonight when looking for something. So, for a little insight to my younger educational experiences based on my report cards and memories...

1st grade (1958-1959) started in Tampa, Florida and about three months later we moved to Hampton, Virginia where I finished the year.

My teacher was Lucile M. Peters she wrote on my report card as a final summary - "Carol has made satisfactory progress through the pre-primers, "Happy Days" and "Fun With Dick and Jane.  
Her writing is very good. She always completes it on time.
She has a clear understanding of the skills listed under Number Work. Her Number work consisted of a "clear understanding of, and the ability to read, write and use easily the numbers 1 through 10. Understanding the process of addition and subtraction combinations through 10 using objects and pictures. Counting and writing numbers to 100 by 1's and 10's and 5's. Beginning to understand and to compose simple number stories).
She has shown an interest in our science discussions. (Science was an appreciation of simple habits of plants and animals. Interest in seasonal changes).
Carol has been very cooperative. I have enjoyed working with her. (I was absent 5 times).

2nd Grade (1959-1960) Hampton, Virginia. Teachers Sarah Stubblefield and Doshie Mae Smith

October 29, 1959 -
Carol is making satisfactory progress in reading. She is learning the specific skills quite well.
Her writing is very good.
She does very well in numbers.
Her spelling is satisfactory. She has learned many new words.
She shows an interest in science and social studies.
She expresses her ideas well in art and enjoys music.
Carol is courteous, conscientious and cooperates nicely.

December 11, 1959 -
Carol has read one half of Friends and Neighbors with good understanding and comprehension and can use the word recognition skills very well.
Her writing is neat and correct.
She has a good understanding of the required number work.
She has learned the required spelling words and can use them correctly in written work.
She enjoys art and has learned many new songs.
Her conduct is very good.

January 29, 1960 - (new teacher)
Carol has finished reading Friends and Neighbors and is reading Just For Fun, a second grade, second level reader. She reads this well orally and has good understanding of her silent reading.
Carol prints nicely. Her papers are usually neat and well organized. She has been working on her talking problems and her assignments are usually complete.
She does satisfactory work in numbers and spelling. She has learned to make complete, well constructed sentences with our new words.
Carol took an active part in our study of weather and gained many worthwhile concepts.

March 16, 1960
Carol has completed Just For Fun and is now reading Down Singing River. She reads this fluently and with good expression. She is using word attack skills more and more to help herself with new words.
Carol is printing much better but she often hurries and doesn't get her letters on the line. Her work is completed, however, and usually accurate.
She is doing fine in spelling. She spelled 39 correct out of 40 on the spelling review this time. Her number work is satisfactory. She does a nice job on number stories.
Carol is talking less but still has to be reminded of this problem.

May 2, 1960
Carol is reading in More Friends and Neighbors. She reads this with ease and understanding. She helps herself with new words and uses good expression when reading aloud.
Her spelling papers are always neat and accurate and she used the words in complete, well-constructed sentences.
Too often her number work isn't complete - no because she can't do the work but because she wastes her time. And you will note many missing stories in her folder on "Animals". She has shown an interest and added to our group discussions but doesn't always finish the stories.
I believe she has improved some since the note went home.

June 10, 1960
Carol has completed More Friends and Neighbors and I feel that she will do nice reading in the third grade.
She prints well and does a much better job of organizing her papers.
I hope that you will continue to stress the need for good habits for Carol must learn to work more independently. It would be good for her to read some during the summer and also do some review in numbers.
(Absent 11 days. My weight was 50 lbs. and my height went from 47 1/2" - 49").

First Half of 3rd Grade (1960-1961) Hampton, Virginia Shirley M. Buck, Teacher

October 28, 1960
Carol is in the above average reading group. She reads very well, but needs some work on expression and smoothness in her reading.
We have just stared making the transition form manuscript to cursive writing and Carol is doing very well.
In language we have studied capital letters, sentences and taking part in discussions. We are now studying letters and their parts. Carol has done very well in all these things.
Carol is weak in arithmetic skills. She needs to work harder.
In Science we have studied plants. Carol has good grades in spelling.
Carol is well behaved in class and I certainly hate to see her leave.

This picture was taken on my last day of school in Hampton.  It's amazing to see the way I was dressed for school.  I have no recollection of every wearing shorts to school, but rather I recall wearing a dress every day.  No way that happens in school these days.

Second Half of 3rd Grade (1960-1961) Yorktown, Virginia - Poquoson Elementary, Ruth Smith, Teacher
Expresses thoughts clearly in writing. Uses neat, legible handwriting. Very good in finding and using information and materials. Organizes and interprets information well. Very good in taking part in and enjoying art activities. Needs to watch talking!

Carol is adjusting well and has become a very good pupil. She has added interest to the class and gets along nicely with the children.

April 6, 1961 - We shall miss Carol very much. Please let us hear from her. We are sure she will find Japan an interesting home. (Perfect attendance for the 100 days I attended this school).

4th Grade (1961-1962) Yokota American School, Yokota AFB, Japan Jeannine Morrissey, Teacher

No problems except with Arithmetic (as usual). Absent 12 days.

5th Grade (1962-1963) Tyre Park School, Johnson Air Station, Japan Margaret Lund, Teacher

Must have been a bad year for me. I needed improvement in my oral and written language skills and, of course, Mathematics.

I did have perfect attendance though.

6th Grade (1963-1964) 6th Grade Annex, Johnson Air Station, Japan Calvin Cowles, Teacher

This was basically a repeat of class problems as 5th grade. However, this was my favorite class and the best teacher I ever had. I had a teacher crush on Mr. Cowles. It might have been because of his English accent, but I would never have missed school because I would have missed seeing him. Consequently, I had perfect attendance this year.
And last, but not least...

7th Grade (1964-1965) Johnson Junior High, Johnson Air Station, Japan Various teachers as we rotated to classes.

Finally making straight A's and B's EXCEPT for math and science. No surprise there.
At the end of this school year, we were transferred back to the U.S. and I started 8th grade the next year in Niceville, Florida as my dad was stationed at Eglin, AFB.

All in all, I attended 12 schools in 12 years which isn't too bad considering my dad was in the military and I transferred sometimes in the middle of the school year.  I do know though that my parents tried to make sure we were able to stay for the end of the school year, if possible, and just move during the summer months.

So, on this National Teacher Day, I'd like to pay homage to all those teachers I've had throughout the years, especially Mr. Cowles. I'm also proud of my sister, Susan, for her dedication to teaching and her extreme love for it.