Friday, May 27, 2011

Cellophane Tape Day

In 1921, a banjo playing inventor went to work for the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, known as 3M. Four years later, Richard Drew walked out of his lab carrying the first roll of scotch tape. In 1930, he also created cellophane tape. Without this man, we’d still be wrapping up our Christmas packages with string. Way to go, Dick!

You might wonder why I care about Cellophane Tape Day?  It's because of Corey.  Yep, Corey loved cellophane tape when he was younger.  If I wanted any, I had to hide me a roll.  Corey used it to tape paper notes and picture to everything - the walls, the doors, the refrigerator, the cabinets - he used to tape his blocks together, to tape his small cars together, he found more ways to tape things together.  It just fascinated him.
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When I grow up I want to be a fireman. - Corey, age 5

("Dear Mom, Even though I left the driveway hours ago, I have not forgot about you and Dad.  But, you can read this to him or let him read it himself.  Love your little bud, Corey.  Love you Mom and Dad").  Corey, age 6 or 7

Corey loved cellophane tape so much, that for Christmas one year his stocking was filled with several rolls of tape.