Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ministering Missionaries

One of the nights that Joe was in the hospital, he had become critically ill. A Code Blue had been called on him, he had contracted a seemingly life-threatening infection, he was basically incoherent and the list went on and on. I had had someone contact the bishop as Joe's situation was became very dire and I felt that only a priesthood blessing would help him survive at this particular time.

The bishop and one of his counselors arrived to administer a blessing. However, medical staff was in his room with blood being drawn, IVs being hooked up, etc. We stepped out of his room and went into the empty room next door where I myself was given a blessing.

We then went back into Joe's room, but the scene had not calmed down and unfortunately the bishop and the brother had to leave for a meeting and would try to come back as soon as possible. After they left, I tried to be with Joe, but there was just too much still going on. I then decided to go down to the waiting room and call a few people to update them on Joe's condition. I was in the process of calling Nikki when out of the corner of my eye I spied two white shirts and backpacks walking down another hall. I jumped up and went running after then just knowing that these had to be Mormon missionaries. It was. I called after them, introduced myself and told them that I needed someone to give my husband a blessing.

One elder looked at the other and said, "See I told you we were supposed to come to the hospital tonight". They went on to explain that they were on their way home (which is the opposite side of where we live), were near the hospital and felt that they should go in. How they decided to go to this particular floor, at this particular time and be needed for a particular purpose I only can believe was a miracle.

We went into Joe's room where they spoke to him briefly and commenced to pronounce a blessing upon him. I have listened to many blessings in my life, whether given to me or while being given to someone else. Never in my life though was I able to retain and remember vividly two promises given to Joe in his blessing. He was promised to be restored to his full health and that angels would surround him and be in attendance for him. What comfort this was for me. I knew that my Heavenly Father would protect and care for Joe and he did even though Joe stayed in the hospital for another two weeks and he got worse before he got better.

I have faith that those missionaries were divinely lead to the hospital that night and that I was where I was at that particular time because that's where my Heavenly Father wanted me to be.

After returning home and feeling somewhat better, I contacted those missionaries and had them as guests in our home and fed them dinner. I know that I will most likely never see them again, but they will always remain someone special in my heart. How thankful I am that they were worthy priesthood bearers who listened to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

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