Wednesday, July 14, 2010


We visited the kids recently over the 4th of July weekend. We took the furry kids along (see earlier blog about their doggie wash experience) and they were so excited. During the trip over, they were both in the backseat - except when they would try to sneak into the front seat. Like that was possible. They were driving me crazy(ier) and I was just about ready to put them out or tie them to the back bumper.

We decided to do things differently on the way home before they finally succeeded in me losing the last of my sanity. We originally put B.J. in the front passenger seat, with Joe and Blaze in the back. Unfortunately it didn't work having her back there. She still lunged at passing trucks. So we did a doggie swap and she wound up in the front seat and peace prevailed - FINALLY!!! She basically paid the trucks no heed at all, but she was very intent on watching them come towards us and evidenced below.

During the 8+ hour drive home, she even managed to try and nap - for about six seconds before going on guard again. This was the most comfortable she could get as she was a lot of dog on a not so big or wide seat.

The only real problem of her being in the front seat was her slobbering...her drooling. She would hang her tongue out for so long and it would turn into a water faucet. She was slobbering on the dash of the car (note the darker spots on the dash. She was good about wiping some of the dust off the dash though). She slobbered so much, I had to stop the car, find an old towel from the drunk and put it under her front paws to prevent the seat from becoming some nasty mess of dog drool. Yuk!

But because of the dog/human exchange, I was able to arrive home with my mental faculties still intact.

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