Monday, May 31, 2010

The Old Home...

...looks very, very sad these days as no one still lives in it. In fact, there is no sign in the front that says "For Rent" or "For Sale" so it's just sitting there deteriorating. It's very sad hard for me to look at something that once was my home - a home filled with lots of memories. Though some of those memories may not all be good, I spent almost 30 years living there. This is the home bought as a newlywed, I brought my baby home from the hospital, I ran my childcare business for 13 years with numerous amounts of adults and children coming in and out and this is where my marriage ended and another one began.

I miss that old house because of the character of the tongue-in-groove walls, the hardwood flooring, the rooms, the big back yard. I miss it mainly because of my neighbors, the neighborhood and the gardenia bushes. How I miss those bushes. I miss the beauty, but most of all the scent. It's worth waiting for a whole year just to see and smell those flowers.

So, it hurts to see the old home just following apart and no one to appreciate the flowers which should be blooming right now. It hurts that no one is making new memories in that home full of my memories.

1 comment:

  1. At least tons of people enjoy the babies of the gardenias every year when they drive by on Old Ocilla. Jen is going to take cuttings to her home in Albany also. I will make sure Tabi and Evan get some for their new house.
