Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Appointment Book

One of the first purchases I made after my layoff was an appointment book. I hadn't had much need for one in the last few years as I didn't do anything much other than my regular work routine. Yes, there were those doctor appointments that Joe had on occasion, but those were written on a hanging calendar, along with a collection of business cards from each doctor, dentist, specialist, aide, etc. After all Joe has had scheduled appointments with the nephrologist, the gastroenterologist, the cardiologist, the infectious diseaseologist, the optometrists, ophthalmologist, opticians, neurologist, anesthesiologists, family practitioners, surgeons, etc.

I realized though that life was about to change with scheduling potential phone interviews, face-to-face interviews, keeping track of contacts for the purposes of validating to the State of Wyoming that I was looking for a job, lunch dates, out-of-town appointments, etc. Add those to Joe's medical social life, it was time to get myself an appointment book and now I can't seem to live without it! Besides when tax time comes around next year, it will help document all the traveling and places we went.

Color coding has come into play also. Job interviews are shaded with pink highlighter. It makes it easier to pinpoint job interviews. Green highlighting is for those activities set aside totally for Joe such as dialysis or any normally scheduled activities he has on a weekly basis.

I also realize that by carrying around a paper calendar I am really dating myself. I have electronic equipment such a palm pilot or my phone or my computer which could keep up with this same information. However, there is a sense of security for me in that I can physically write down the information I want and need and delete it in the same manner. The only loss I would have is if I misplaced my appointment book. So, until someone can prove to me it's easier to do it another way, just look in my purse and there you will find my handy-dandy blue Weekly Planner.

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