The front of our ritzy office...
More oilfield scenery...
We turned the furry kids loose to explore in the wide open spaces where the deer and the antelope play. However, they caught the scent of some antelope and both of them took off over hill and dale. We thought we'd lost them for a couple of minutes. After driving up the road and then coming back, we found Blaze, but still couldn't find B.J. He finally showed up waaaaaay down the road and we had to go rescue him.
After leaving the oilfield, we drove up to the little towns of Edgerton and Midwest. Edgerton had a population of 109 people, but these used to be very, very BIG towns during the 20's and the 50's when the oil business was booming. Even on the oilfield is remnants of where dormitories and barracks used to stand, as well as a swimming pool. There was even a school that had 1500 children attending. But alas, those days are gone.Then it was home again, home again, jiggety jig.
I'm sure the dialouge missing from the photos was fascinating. As much as I hate driving, I think that place is somewhere I would rather visit than live.