Monday, June 6, 2011

The Blessings of The Priesthood

Joe and I both received a priesthood blessing yesterday afternoon.  What a blessing that was to me for the both of us.

I was so glad that Joe requested one and had faith enough to know that he would be blessed today when he went in for his CAT scan.  It gave his a great peace of mind and he slept pretty well last night.

As for me, I realized that I was on the verge of "losing it".  I have witnessed changes in his personality and bodily functions in the last couple of weeks and last week wound up being a very stressful one.  He went to his primary doctor on Tuesday who said he had "Parkinsonism" traits, reduced one of his blood pressure medications and referred him to a balance and dizziness clinic.

Wednesday he had a good session at dialysis, ate a good dinner and was having normal conversation with me in the evening.  Then he started pulling and scratching at bandages which were no longer there, he kept putting his shirt on and off and fidgeting with the sleeve cuffs, he went to the table waiting to eat dinner when we'd already eaten and fell out of the bed that evening.

Thursday he went for his balance therapy session and we discovered after a series of tests that he's basically forgotten how to walk.  He can't walk and turn his head from side to side at the same time, he lists to the left when walking, etc.  Then the doctors office called to say they wanted Joe to have a brain scan as soon as possible.

Friday was dialysis again and he left with his blood pressure extremely low 80 something over 30 something.  And then there was the phone call from the imaging people.  Joe's test was going to include dye being injected which is detrimental to his already badly functioning kidneys.

So, by the time that Sunday morning arrived and the new week was looming, I was feeling rather stressed and highly concerned.  That's the reason I asked for a blessing.  I needed to feel a sense of peace and tranquility and put my trust in my Heavenly Father.  After all, it is Him that knows all and He knows what lies on the horizon for Joe and I.  He has blessed us and given us a reprieve for a little while and for that I am grateful.

My priesthood blessing was a blessing to me.  I slept well all night long and when I awoke this morning I had a complete sense of peace about the upcoming days.  I know that my Heavenly Father granted me that peace.

The priesthood is for the blessing of all—men, women, and children. Through the priesthood we receive and administer the ordinances of the gospel, which include baptism, confirmation, the sacrament, all temple ordinances, including sealings for time and all eternity, and work for the dead. By the power of the priesthood the sick are healed, the lame made to walk, the blind to see, and the deaf to hear, according to their faith and the will of our Father in heaven. Blessings of the priesthood comfort those who mourn, and give aid to the stricken” (N. Eldon Tanner, “The Priesthood of God,” Ensign, June 1973, p. 6).
Note:  The brain scan and all of his labs turned out "normal".

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