Monday, November 17, 2008

Day 8...And Counting

I've come to the absolute conclusion that I am old!!!! I'm so sore and can't seem to move very fast these days. Hmmmm, maybe it has something to do with climbing up and down attic steps and carrying, moving, pushing and dragging items all around the house? I know I sleep very well until I wake up and then start thinking of all the things that need to be done.

I did have a pleasant visit with an old friend today while running errands. I needed to go by my attorney's office for some unfinished business and saw Render for the first time in awhile. That's good when you don't need to see your attorney, but bad because he is such a sweetie. I remember the first time I met him. I walked into his office after being referred to him by a friend and he handled my divorce from Les. When I first laid eyes on him I just knew he was not old enough to be an attorney and he looked just like a Mormon missionary. However, he proved to be very qualified to handle my legal matters and I grew to love him. One day he mentioned he was looking for someone to care for his young children and that's when I recommended Helen and the rest is history. She became almost a member of their family even after she became pregnant. Then when Nikki moved to town she needed a job and wound up working for Render. And other members of my family used him for legal matters and consequently he got to know my family VERY WELL! Poor man. Anyway, it was great visiting with him today and we discovered he too has a blogspot and I've plugged him in to ours.

Though more items left the house today, it doesn't seem like we're making too much headway packing up. It will truly be a miracle to get this all taken care of in time. We went by today to look at the size of the truck we've rented and we may have to attach a trailer to the truck! People have come and gone today with trucks loaded down or trailers strapped with goodies.

Our sweet neighbor, Ann Johnson, took Joe and I to dinner tonight. She has been my neighbor since I moved here as a new bride and is like a member of my family. She made the comment tonight that we won't be here to go look at the Christmas lights together this year. In recent years, we've made it a tradition to get Mom and the four of us together (remember Joe) to go exploring and looking at the lights. The funnest time we had was the year Corey took us. (That's a whole different story for another time). Ann still talks about that night/morning adventure. I am really going to miss her as I know she will miss us.

The best thing today though was receiving written confirmation that I have indeed been hired for the job in Casper. I was beginning to doubt if I had actually been hired since I saw nothing in writing. Yeah!!!! And, the house is supposed to be ready and waiting for us upon our arrival next week. Here's hoping all continues to go smoothly.

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