Sunday, November 16, 2008

Day 9...And Counting

I know what you're thinking...what happened to Day 10 and 11? Well, we moved things up a little bit and are trying to be ready to leave Georgia on Tuesday the 25th. So, we've had to accelerate things a bit and work faster and longer.

We did go to church this morning where I taught my last Gospel Doctrine class in the Tifton Ward. I also unloaded lots of good junk onto other peoples. Items like old Homemaking binders I had put together while in the Relief Society presidency, some Primary books I had and Joe's deer head which he donated to Darrell Spikes for his hunting cabin. Then we went got something to eat, changed clothes and called Janice and Rob Patrick who came out and helped us again today. They came out yesterday and spent several hours helping to take everything off the walls and bringing things down from the attic. To say they were a godsend would be an understatement. We've been very fortunate to have had offers of help from several of our friends.

Things are slowly disappearing from the house either as trash or give-a-ways. Too bad we didn't have the time for a yard sale as we could have made some great money. However, there just isn't enough time to do everything I would love to do and time to visit everyone I'd love to see.

Tonight will be an earlier evening for me though not as early as last night. I can't stay up long as we have people to see and places to go tomorrow morning. Then it's back to the salt mines again.

Since Joe had his bishopric meeting this morning it was getting up at 5:30 a.m. (my body is still working on MST too). I then went to Mom and Dad's as I usually do, spend time chatting with them and then take them to church. I realized this morning that I would only have one more opportunity to do so before leaving and it made me feel quite teary-eyed. No longer would I be able to do that one little simple thing for them any longer.

Eileen spoke in Sacrament Meeting today and gave a very moving talk. She spoke of her love of family and the gospel interspersed with humor and humility. She is one outstanding young woman and Nancy is certainly blessed to have her as a daughter-in-law as we are to have her in our family.

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