Friday, November 14, 2008

Day 12...and counting

What a day! I've got swollen feet the size of basketballs and my legs feel like wooden logs. We only made two trips to town today and the rest of the day was spent packing.

Our house is beginning to seem as though we have a revolving door. We've had a variety of people coming and going to pick up items that we've been giving away. That has been good and bad. Bad because if the items haven't been cleaned off or out, I have to stop and handle that particular project. Good because that means that is one less thing I have to worry about. It's been hard though watching pieces of my life walk out the door with someone else. Sometimes we are selling things for such ridiculous prices just so we can get rid of them as we won't and don't and can't take them with us.

I did manage to get all my Lakeshore workshops put in their suitcases today and will call and have UPS pick them up and send them to California next week. That's another thing I can mark off my list.

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