Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day 5...And Counting

My morning started off with a visit to the doctor's office. I had two cortisone shots - one in each knee and had to have fluid drained from my right knee first. It's amazing how I realize that my breathing virtually stops when I am receiving a shot and I also realized that me right leg could have doubled for a park bench as it was straight and rigid. However, the doctor did such as FANTASTICAL job giving me the shots and doing the draining that it was the best non-hurting cortisone shot (maybe any shot) ever given to me. I just had to give him a kiss on the cheek when he finished!

It feels as though we are finally making some progress in the house. I basically got the office packed up today and now there is a slight echo since all the acoustical materials have been removed off the wall. No more shelves, no more loaded shelves, no pictures, etc. Then I started on cleaning out furniture in the bedroom this evening as a couple of pieces of furniture are leaving tomorrow.

Just so you know, in case you have to do it someday, packing up and moving is very, very stressful. It just seems that Joe and I don't have fun any more. We don't laugh any more. There doesn't seem to be time or energy to do it and I know this needs to change. Maybe the drive out west will help. Maybe it will help restore our fun sides. I hope so, just so we can enjoy each others company again like we should and do.

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