Monday, January 5, 2009

What A Way To Start A Week

If I thought yesterday was a wild ride home from Utah, I was so wrong. That was a walk in the park compared to today.

It all started when I left the house. I decided to go a different way to the Casper office since I was stopping by the bank. That was a BIG mistake. The name of our bank is Hilltop National Bank and as the name would indicate it was located at the top of a hill. A very steep, snow/ice covered hill near our home. I got only a portion of the way up and the car wouldn't go any further. Then when I put it in reverse it wouldn't go back down. That was when me and the Lord started having our second conversation of the morning. When they say that God is my co-pilot, it was so very true! I finally got backed up near the house and started all over by going another way.

I slid, skidded, fishtailed and slushed my way, but finally made it to the office. Then that's where I rode in a 4 wheel drive truck out to the site. This was the worse weather we've had so far and this was the first time I'd seen really bad blowing snow like this. It wouldn't have been so bad except for the, need I say it?, wind!

On the way home tonight I missed my turnoff and had to take another route through the neighborhood. Bad idea again. The snow plow had come by sometime today and made a real mess so now I had to contend with the piled up snow. I couldn't make turns I wanted to for fear of getting stuck so for about ten minutes I drove around in an unfamiliar neighborhood dodging snow until I finally made it home.

I think I will sleep really well tonight. Stress has a way of wearing you out!

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