Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Towel

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, one of the items I received today was a dish towel. Attached to it was a card which said the following:

The Towel

At first glance, one looks at a kitchen towel and thinks, "Wow, a towel...I need a new one, the old ones are getting stained and worn." Have we ever stopped think that for years, the towel has NOT just been used in the kitchen, but for a variety of reasons? Take for example, the mother who wipes the tears of a little child to sooth the physical and emotional hurt; the physician who binds the wounds of a bleeding patient; the woman in her home wiping her hands as she moves from task to task; the weary traveler who wipes his sweating brow. Some other examples would be the manager who throws in the towel to save the life of his protege' or the man wiping the grease off his hands as he fixes the old car.

Notwithstanding all of the above examples, perhaps the most significant use of the towel was about two thousand years ago when our beloved Brother took an ordinary towel in his hands and washed and dried the feet of his disciples only hours before his crucifixion. Sure the towel is a handy item with a myriad of uses, but it also has a deep symbolic meaning when seen in the hands of the Savior as he serves those around him.

Please accept this gift of a simple towel knowing that it is given with love. May we always remember to serve others as the Savior has taught us to do.

(and I have been truly blessed by the kindness of new friends and unknown strangers since our move here).


  1. I remember that story from years ago...thanks for reminding me of it.

  2. Love the story!
