Saturday, December 27, 2008

Things They Don't Tell You In The Travel Brochures

Since moving to Wyoming, there are some things that I've discovered that are not published in any of the tourist brochures.

1. They don't tell you that your skin will dry out - the natives do. But, what they don't tell you is that after your skin dries out, it then gains a blotchy red rash from where you've scratched your exceedingly dry skin. So, consequently you eventually have "alligator skin". Everyone has their own personal recommendations for helping you gain your former soft, subtle skin...a certain lotion, a certain creme, mineral oil, baby oil, a humidifier, etc. Thus far, nothing has helped me.

2. They don't tell you about the lack of breath, the nausea and the nose bleeds. Considering the altitude at which we are presently residing, everyone says this is normal and it will get better. Joe has experienced the nose bleeds, I've had the nausea and we've both had the lack of breath. (The lack of breath probably comes from the fact we need to lose weight also).

3. They don't tell you that your clothes can become lethal weapons!!! Because of the lack of humidity, static electricity is VERY, VERY bad here. I've found there are some blouses I cannot even wear because they cling so badly. And, taking clothes off is doing so at your own risk! You would swear you were standing in a huge bowl of Rice Krispies because so much snap, crackle and pop is taking place and it's very painful at times. The poor dogs have even gotten somewhat leery when you go to pet them since they've been shocked so many times!

4. They don't tell you (CAUTION: this may be too graphic for some ears and eyes) that you wake up every morning with a huge, hard booger in your nostrils!!! You've heard of the Boogey Man? Well there must be a Booger Man here who is in competition with the Tooth Fairy or the Sandman. I'm deadly serious when I point out this most unusual occurrence.

5. They don't tell you that once you've parked your car in front of your house to turn the wheels all the way to the right so that your car doesn't go sliding down the hill and into someone else's yard. (No that hasn't happened to me thank goodness)!!! A work colleague told me that one.

6. They don't tell you that in Wyoming it's okay to park however you want in a parking space. You would not believe how some people park here. It's like they think they've ridden into town on a big horse and they just swing it in to park however they stop. (I'll have to take a picture sometime to show you what I mean).

Are these things I've mentioned a slam on Wyoming? Heck no! It just goes to show you that things are truly different a few hundred miles from what you were used to experiencing. It really is quite fun and entertaining to make some of these unexpected observations.


  1. Why do you think Melalucca was started in Idaho? If no one there sells it let me know and I will send you a sample of their products. Dad loves the ones he has tried.

  2. Melalucca? Who is she? Never heard of those products. Help!

  3. i understand, when i went to virginia to work for target about 5/6 yrs ago it was in the winter, i had been here so long i forgot about the alligator skin, it sure didn't take long to buy every type of lotion known to man and you are right nothing much helped, i guess there is something to be said for humidity. go ahead and the melalucca, nance is right it is the best stuff
