Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Corey

Yep, 26 years ago today Corey was born. What a blessing he has been in my life!

I remember making a run to the hospital the first time which turned out to be a return trip back home. The real trip was a couple of days later and I knew at that time that I wouldn't be coming home that time. I remember the intense back pain during the contractions and felt as though my back would break. I was hooked up to a monitor and every time I had a contraction, it would register violent spikes. Les was with me and it was decided that he would give me a priesthood blessing and he did. It wound up being a real blessing and mini miracle for me. At the conclusion of the blessing, it was noted on the readout from the monitor that I had experienced a flat line during the course of the blessing. And, even though I still experienced back pain, it subsided to a lower degree.

Since I wasn't dilating like I should, thus the reason for the monitor, it was finally decided by my doctor and another one brought in for consultation, that I would have an emergency c-section since Corey was going into fetal distress. So, I was rushed into the delivery room, knocked me out and I it was hours later when I woke up and discovered that I had given birth to a baby boy.

I remember the nurse bringing Corey into me and placing him in my arms to be fed. Wow, what an experience that was for me. Looking into that sweet face and realizing that he was mine. Realizing that this was the child I'd carried for almost 10 months and now he was here with a head full of dark hair and bright eyes.

I loved him at every stage of his life thinking it just couldn't get any better - but it did! I loved that he loved the things I did. I loved that he wasn't afraid to try things or go places - that he loved to experience life however he could.

What fun it was to expose him to cultural experiences like "Phantom of the Opera" at the Fox Theater in Atlanta or see Elton John for his 18th birthday or Simon and Garfunkle for his 21st birthday. It was fun to let him go off to his various Explorer or Boy Scout activities. It was so much fun to spend time with him for two weeks 24/7 on our first trip out west. It was even more fun to take him on the trip to England with the side trips to Scotland and France. I loved watching the look on his face when he saw something new for the first time.

I'm proud of most of the decisions that he made in his life. Yes, there were those that were wrong, but look how right he turned out. What a wonderful person he grew into to. What a wonderful husband. What a wonderful father. What an outstanding son.

Thank you Corey for picking me as your mother. I am the lucky one!

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