Monday, December 29, 2008

Monday, Monday

It's the beginning of another short week - waa hoo! My boss lady was out of the office today so I was left with very little to do work wise, but managed to keep myself busy. And, at lunch time I wrote with Mary, a co-worker to the small town up the road to pick up take out lunch. The town has about 100 people who live there. On the way home tonight I saw probably 200 antelope grazing along side the road from the oilfield into Casper, as well as a most beautiful Wyoming sunset.

On the way into work this morning I rode with Kevin, Steve and Jeff in the government truck and was sitting in the backseat. As usual it was dark and I had the chance to look out into the night sky and saw a huge display of stars. I think that Joe and I should plan on going to the top of one of the neighboring mountains one evening just to gaze at the stars. It's amazing how much bigger the sky looks out here.

Our big excitement of the day for Joe and me was having a police officer show up at our home this evening. Hey, we knew someone from the City of Casper Police Department was going to show up after 6:00 p.m. I discovered yesterday that funds had been taken out of our Omega checking account and called the bank to check on it. It seems someone drafted four checks from the account without our knowledge using our new Casper address. The bank faxed paperwork for me to sign so they could refund our money. I then called the police department to let them know what had occurred since there has been a lot of this type of banking problems happening to many, many people. The officer came over to look at our paperwork and get needed information and then let us know that the FBI had now taken over the investigation since so many people had been scammed. So now I wonder what our neighbors were thinking when they saw a police car in front of our house?!? Hmmmmmm. And wait until I call the lady back tomorrow at the bank and let her know this has turned into something bigger than we both thought! Thank you officer.


  1. wow, bank theft, atleast you are able to get your money back.
    i love nothing more than the night sky out west, it is like you can reach up and touch the stars, the skys are normally COVERED with them. when i used to go out west to visit family, co-wy-nev ,that was one of my most favorite things to do, lay outside and just star gaze

  2. They don't call it the big sky country for nothing. Or is that Montana? That is one of the pleasures of getting up early to teach seminary when it is still dark. I get to see the stars and bright moon. One has to find all the positive they can as you well know, in any situation.

  3. guys ought to do like me...If you have no money in the bank, it is hard for someone to steal! Seriously, it is frightening how we can be so vulnerable. I see stars these days when I bend over and then straighten up quickly...does that count?
