Friday, December 19, 2008

Joe and His New Doctor

Joe had a doctor's appointment today with a kidney doctor, Margaret King. Would you believe we spent 2 1/2 hrs. in her office? I thought we would never get out of there. It wasn't her, it was probably just the fact of me spending that much time in an office.

It's a long story about the events of the day, but suffice it to say that I have to take Joe to the Emergency Room at the Wyoming Medical Center tomorrow. His doctor left two orders for him and he is to have more lab work done and an EKG done when he arrives there.

Then he is FINALLY going to have his "tummy worm" removed on Monday at 3:30 p.m. Unfortunately, I won't be there and we don't know yet how he will get there. I have to be out in the field and it has to be a matter of life and death almost not to be there. I'm sure that since our Heavenly Father has provided for us thus far in such fantastic ways, something or someone will come along to help us. Would you believe that his doctor has even volunteered to bring him home if he needs to leave before I arrive back in Casper? Do you think she has the "hots" for Joe?!?!?

We were (and are) planning on spending Christmas with the kids in Utah, but we'll see how Joe is feeling. I would be more prone to think we'll be delaying that visit until New Year's instead.

So, here's hoping that by the end of next week, Joe will be able to finally grow his chest hair back without fear of having it ripped away with white, sticky, surgical tape!

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