Saturday, February 14, 2009

What Do You Do At Lunch?

One recent day it snowed at work. Yes, imagine that. It snowed really deep and it was a wet snow this time. Most of the time it's very powdery until it starts to melt. However, this time it started out wet and was the kind you make snowballs and snowmen out of. I decided to make my own miniature snowmen. Isn't he handsome? Eyes made out of nails and his mouth out of a twist tie. He hung around for awhile until I finally tossed him back into the snow. (He must have known what his fate would be because I just really noticed his expression on his face. Poor guy)!

Then at lunchtime, Trina, who works with me, said this was the perfect snow to make a snow angel. I thought it was a great idea, so after suiting up to keep warm and dry - out we went with her taking pictures to document this once in a lifetime experience since I doubt I will ever do it again...

Isn't that a great snow angel? All went well except I got left with the back of my legs slightly damp and cold, but sometimes that's the price you pay for having a little fun. This is what every 56 year old woman should be doing during her lunch break, don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. Can you say second childhood? I always loved making snow angels.
