Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lack of Sleep Makes Me Crazy!

Yes, I am a grouch today. That's what happens when I go without some really good sleep night after night. And, I love and need my sleep! It's not that I want my "beauty sleep". Heck no, I just want some good, ole fashioned 8 hours of sleep. It's bad enough getting up at 4:00 a.m. and not going to bed until around 10:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

You may be saying "why don't you go to bed earlier"? I've tried but either I can't go to sleep because I've gone early or Joe decides that he is going to go to bed early and then I don't get the bed to myself for at least a little while.

Since Joe's ankle injury, he's up and down and up and down and up and down all night long. Unfortunately, most times when he gets up, I know it as he slides off the bed, grabs his crutches, etc. Also, he has a habit of playing basketball in his sleep and apparently thinks that I am an opponent on another team as I've been suddenly awaken by trying to avoid waving arms being pummelted upon my body. (Sometimes more than once a week, but on a regular basis). And, even on the weekend when I do have the opportunity of sleeping in, Joe will lie in the bed even if he's wide awake. Come on man...leave the bed, leave the room and shut the door behind you!!!

I already miss the sound of the wind blowing around the house each night as I have to sleep with earplugs in my ears to try and give me an advantage of some quite sleeping since my bed mate snores quite loudly. (I would miss the sound of the rain also, but it hasn't rained here yet in the two months we've lived here - only snowed).

Part of the reason I can't sleep either is worrying about Joe - will he go low on his blood sugar? If so, will he pass out again, get lost in the house or some new unknown problem develop? It's much worse than when Corey was small.

The solution? Hmmm, I think Joe should sleep during the daytime while I'm gone and then I'll sleep in the evenings all by myself. Once I've gotten good, sufficient sleep, then we can sleep in the same bed at the same time. Or, maybe we'll have to get the king sized bed somewhere down the road. All I know is that something's gotta change and soon!


  1. I vote for the king sized bed. I predict that in 15 years or so James and I will be sleeping in different beds in order to preserve marital harmony.

  2. Maybe the people on fifties TV shows had the right idea after all. I myself have the opposite problem. I get up two hours after Donald comes to bed Tues-Fri. Sat we both can sleep in IF no one calls. Sun he leaves at 6:30 for meetings. I tell him that is the reason we got married in the first place, so we could sleep together.

  3. The nice thing is that I can sleep in now Friday, Saturday and Sunday. (That is if there is no doctor appointment on Friday). The sad thing is that I will still wake up 4:00 a.m.ish whether I have to get up or not. But, it isn't hard for me to turn over and go back to bed. Even then I usually am up around 8:00 a.m. since that is sleeping in for me.

    Joe tells people all the time how badly I also snore, but it must not be too bad since he won't put earplugs in his ears every night.

    I'm beginning to also think that the black and white tv people had the right idea too. You could wallow all you wanted on your own bed with no one to crowd your space.

  4. I vote for the King Size bed with the hump in the middle, that means people are staying on their own side of the bed.
