Sunday, February 8, 2009


Hear ye, hear ye, one and all. Mark this date on your calendar! This was the day that I FINALLY shaved my legs. I've not done so since moving here as I looked at my furry legs as protection against the wind and the cold. Think of the furry covering as Mother Nature's leg warmers.

So you may be wondering by now, why? Why did I shave my legs if that was my reason? After a great deal of though, I decided to do so as the extra hair may actually be impeding the healing of my extraordinarily dry alligator skin. That all the lotions and potions that I've tried might actually be unable to work as it has to fight its way through my leg fur before reaching my skin. So, the defuzzing took place this morning. (Already my legs feel colder). I may actually have to resort to wearing my thermal undersquare on a more regular basis now that the hairs have been shorn.

And, oh my gosh, I may have to resort to wearing pantyhose or tights when I venture out on Sunday afternoons to church. Up to this point, I'd just worn longer dresses and the knee hi's. Oh well, it was a tough decision and now I must face the consequences whatever happens.


  1. I honestly can say that I'm completely grossed out and embarassed for you. I feel so sorry for Joe. He has to shave his face you have to shave your legs it is the unwritten rule.

  2. Knee highs are for Sister missionaries and old ladies. The new five blade ladies razor works fabulous
