Sunday, February 1, 2009

The End of My Church Callings Vacation

Yep, I got cornered at church today by the first counselor who asked if he could "speak with me for a moment". It's like the assistant principal saying you need to step into his office. You know you're in some kinda trouble.

After a few words of pleasantry, the conversation lead to a statement of something like "you didn't think you would go without a calling for too long, did you"? Well, the last couple of months had been wonderful for me. No lessons to prepare for, no loss of sleep, no obligations other than to show up for church and be a "pew sitter". I had been rather enjoying it if the truth be told.

However, that all came to an end today. I am now to be the new Enrichment Leader and a new visiting teacher. Oh no, I thought to myself. I gave all my resource materials away to someone and I no longer have something to fall back on. Thank goodness I only do this once a quarter.


Church was wonderful again today. It all began when I slipped on a dress I hadn't been able to wear in a very long time and wore it. Waa hoo! I attended my first Fast and Testimony meeting here. One of the great things about moving into this new ward is that I come with no preconceived ideas about anyone. Everyone, including myself and Joe, are a clean slate to get to know. The biggest concern I've had is whether or not I'll be sitting on someone's pew they are used to sitting on.


  1. Like you need any of you r materials. You wrote half the books.

  2. Hey, my brain is going soft and it may need lots of refreshing so I can shock and awe my new sisters.
