Sunday, February 8, 2009

Our Sunday Firsts in Wyoming

(Jayme on the left and Marla on the right)

Today wound up being some "firsts" for us since moving here...

1. I had a visit from my new visiting teachers this morning - Marla Severts and Jayme Johnson. Marla is probably around my age and a very classy lady who also serves as the Gospel Doctrine teacher. She came up to me last Sunday and announced to me that we needed to become very good friends. Then she found out she was my new visiting teacher and called me that evening to let me know. She has a husband who is in the same shape as Mom with alzheimers, but I think he's been that way for about five years. Jayme is a young mother with four children ranging in age from almost one year to five years. Wow. How mothers do that I'll never be able to understand since Corey was my one and only.

2. Three priesthood holders came over church this afternoon and brought the sacrament to Joe. That is was the first time I'd ever seen it done for a single person, but it meant alot to Joe. And this was three more members who've now been to our home. So that was a total of five more new ones just today. The ward is really looking after us and I'm truly grateful for that.

3. I did my first visiting teaching this afternoon too. One of the ladies on my list was not at church today due to sickness so I dropped by her home this afternoon with a can of chicken noodle soup, a Valentine's card and chocolates and three tulips.

So, it was a busy day, but a very fulfilling one.


I was also sustained and set apart as the Enrichment Leader today. So much for taking a vacation from church callings.

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