Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Today Is National "Just Because Day"

According to my sources, today is "Just Because Day". Finally, you have a chance to do something without a rhyme or reason. Too often in life, we do things because we have to, or we want to, or it's expected of us. None of those reasons are suppose to apply today.

Is there something you'd like to do, but there isn't a reason or logic for doing it? Well, today is the day you are supposed to go out and do something "just because". It's supposed to be more enjoyable if it is an uncommon, or unexpected activity or action. Have you got something in mind already? If not, just go with the first thing that comes to your mind. "Just because" activities often come from a "whim" or a "what if I" type of thought. I just know you will quickly get the hang of this day, and have a lot of fun with it. Come on! Get with the spirit of the day.

To get you started, here are some suggestions for "Just Because Day": (Disclaimer: These suggestions came from an article on the internet. They are not my own).

- Take an unplanned day of vacation (Like that idea. However, because my workplace is about to close, that might not be a good idea. They might put me on permanent "vacation". And, even if they did let me continue to work, I'm not yet eligible for vacation days. So that would be a loss of income).

- Visit someone you haven't seen in a while. (Hmmmm, that might take more than one day to do that)!

- Knock on someone's door and compliment them for their great lawn. (Bad idea for us since they'd probably comment on our lack of a great looking lawn. Joe has been mowing the yard in spirts as he heals. By the time he finishes the back, it's time to do the front again).

- Skip, don't walk (I'm sure I'll do this one. I just want to know who's going to come visit me in the hospital)?

- Buy something you don't need. (My sweet husband says I do that already every time I walk into Wal-Mart).

- Jump in a puddle (Watch as they take me away to the mental hospital in Milledgeville. Then you can come visit me there "just because" you've never been there).

- Walk backwards (Sounds like another hospital stay to me).

Now for some of my ideas:

- How 'bout jumping off the roof of your house "just because" the bushes might break your fall?

- How 'bout watching the Democratic National Convention tonight "just because" you want to see Bill cry because Hillary won't get the nomination for president?

- How 'bout running around in your undersquare in your backyard when it's dark "just because" it is your private property.

Origin of Just Because Day :

Research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day. But, this could be one of the best, most fun days of the year! I'll be sure to mark this one on my calendar for next year. How 'bout you? What would you like to do "just because"?

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