Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Before I Begin My Posting For The Evening...

...I'd just like to express what one of my biggest pet peeves is:

having to change passwords on a periodic basis! I am so sick and tired of it. Just when you think you can remember what the flippin' password was to begin with, you receive that message which says "Your password will expire in 5 days. Would you like to change it now?" @*&@$*^ No, I wouldn't!!! I just finally remembered what it was for this site after having to make sure it had the right amount of letters and numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters!!! Why would I need to change it? Has anyone actually deciphered what it was? They couldn't have since I can't remember it half the time myself.

You obviously have not seen the wall next to my desk. Then you might understand my frustration. There is a plethora of hanging papers which seem to be covered in secret codes that only I can decode. (It was even worse when job hunting a few months ago). Keep that in mind in case someone holds Joe for ransom unless he divulges my usernames and passwords. All I can say is "It was nice knowing you Joe".

What brought this on you might ask? I had to go to a website that I hadn't used in several months for some very important information. I just knew that I knew the username and password. Apparently I didn't. I was beginning to sweat this one out as some sites lock you out after so many tries. I knew this couldn't happen!!! I wanted my information and I wanted it now. If I locked myself out then I'd have to resort to another pet peeve...calling a number in Podunk, India and waiting for some strange sounding pretend American to come on the phone and "help" me out. I got lucky though - try number 413 finally realized it was me and not some imposter. I swear I almost kissed the computer and I thought I hear the sound of a heavenly choir.

Don't you just love modern technology?!?!?!

1 comment:

  1. I saw a thing about changing your password on a regular basis. I am like you,who can remember the darn things! i don't even have them written down. It makes me feel important to be the keeper of the codes.
