Saturday, August 2, 2008

Helen Loves Corey!

Helen has loved Corey before he was ever born. One day when she and Grandmother accompanied me to a doctor's visit, Helen became very interested in another woman's baby in the waiting room. The woman became very agitated that Helen was so near to her baby and asked her to step back. Helen began to cry and Grandmother told her that it was all right that Aunt Carol was going to have a baby for her and she took it literally.

From the day he was brought home from the hospital, she claimed him as her baby. These are some of the pictures to prove it...

You will notice in the top picture that Helen has crowded her way into Grandmother's lap to be next to Corey.

The picture below shows her with her famous finger-sucking style curled up with Corey who doesn't seem to be enjoying the time together at all.

(Also note how young and cute Jennifer and David are in the top pictures)

1 comment:

  1. I would love a copy of the last picture of me and Corey. I don't think I have ever seen it. If you have more that would be great too. Thanks for the memories!
