Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Alone Time

a·lone –adjective (used predicatively)
1. separate, apart, or isolated from others
to the exclusion of all others or all else
3. unique; unequaled; unexcelled

4. solitarily; solely
5. only
6. without aid or help
7. leave alone,
a. to allow (someone) to be by himself or herself
b. to refrain from annoying or interfering with

I must admit I read with a certain degree of envy Jennifer's blog about her "alone time" tonight. That has become a commodity of which I have not even a cup full. *Disclaimer alert: what I am about to say in no way means I don't love and enjoy being with my wonderful, loving, sweet husband each and every day we're together.* (This is not meant to hurt Joe's feelings in any way).

I am rarely ever alone. There are times I want to, need to, crave to be alone. No husband, no dogs, nobody but myself. In the four years since Joe and I have married, I have only been alone while he was gone to Indiana for a couple of weeks, Boy Scout camp, hospital stays and some other unexpected time away from home. That's it. I LOVE when he has to go for priesthood meetings, but only if someone comes by to pick him up. If I have to take him, it defeats the whole "alone" time. He's there when I leave in the mornings and he's there when I return in the evenings - seven days a week. I wouldn't want to be alone all the time. I cannot begin to imagine what it would be like to not have Joe with me. I don't want to go there. But, how nice would it be to have the house to myself for an extended period of time occasionally. How utterly fantastic would it be to have some alone time.

What would I do? I have no idea. Probably get some serious housecleaning done, sleep in while laying in the middle of the bed with no earplugs, turn up my music, not have CNN on the television the entire day, watch HGTV or E! or movies all day long and eat Church's Chicken and drink Diet Pepsi whenever I wanted. Who needs to leave town for a vacation? Not me! Just loan the dogs and Joe out to someone for about a day or a week occasionally and Carol could be a much happier person.

So, way to go Jennifer. When you're running around butt naked or eating those Pepperidge Farm cookies you've stashed in the out of the way drawer or you make a quick dash to the craft store all by yourself - think of your Aunt Carol PLEASE! And, enjoy some time for the both of us.

Warning! Warning! Warning! Remember the disclaimer!

1 comment:

  1. I *did* enjoy my alone time! I ended up cutting out some stuff for preschool today while watching the Olympics, which is what I probably would have done had I *not* been alone. But still!

    I think it's the possibilities that are presented that make alone time so exciting- whether you end up doing any of those fun things is a whole 'nother story. ;)
