Friday, August 22, 2008

"Better Than The Olympics"

This seemed like this was the week that would never end. It started out with dropping Joe off early at the hospital for another blood test to prepare him for dialysis. (The test turned out great - no dialysis yet)!!! I went on to work only to find out that my boss lady had given her two week notice. Great. Now I could do my job and try to do hers until the distribution center closed. And when would that be? Between September 15th and October 15th. Tuesday was "normal" - long and normal. Too many new things to start learning. The dentist's office called to say they could fit Joe and me in for a final dental visit before I lose my job. So, Wednesday came along and I worked until early afternoon, picked Joe up and we headed to Valdosta, then it was grabbing something to eat and then back to Tifton for the Bishopric meeting.

Thursday came and went with getting financial affairs in order before the layoff. And when would that be? It got changed again today. I might have a job until the first of November. Give us a break!!! Someone make up their mind flippin' minds all ready! Don't get me wrong - I want a job for as long as possible, but somebody needs to get their stuff together. We did get to sleep with the bedroom windows open last night. It was wonderful with all the wind gusts blowing in the room! It's Friday and Tropical Storm Fay is really making her appearance known today. It was pouring rain on my way into the office - soaking #1 for me today. I couldn't use my umbrella. The wind was blowing so strongly that it would have either turned my umbrella inside out or I would have looked like a bad Mary Poppins trying to hold on to the umbrella. Talk about a bad hair day. It didn't do any good to try and fix mine since the wind was so incredible. It rained all day and I got soaked every time I was outside. That happened several more times today since Joe and I ran several errands after work FINALLY ended for the week. Upon arriving home, we discovered we had NO ELECTRICITY!!! So much for coming home and relaxing. After placing a call to report our outage, we were told it should be completed by 9:45 pm. So, we sat on the porch in the dark, with wind blowing rain on us periodically watching and waiting for help to arrive. The calvary finally arrived and our entertainment for the evening was watching the Georgia Power trucks circle the block like buzzards looking for the problem. It was finally discovered at the end of our driveway. (I told Joe not to be swinging from the wires while I'm gone to work, but apparently he just wouldn't listen). A couple of trucks set up shop and went to work in the rain while we watched and supervised the repair work. As Joe put it tonight "This is better than the Olympics". Power was finally restored at, drumroll please, yep 9:45 on the dot!!! I was so impressed. (That's a picture of the guy in the cherry picker fixing our line. Sorry it's not better , but hey, it was dark and we had no electricity to help light the yard).

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