Sunday, April 8, 2012

PBR Rodeo - 2012

Last year we had tickets to attend the Professional Bullriders Rodeo.  We went, but Joe kept having too many medical problems and was having to use the bathroom so many times, that I finally said we just needed to leave and we did.

This year I wanted to go, but didn't want to take him since he would have to maneuver the steps and that was just too dangerous.  So, this year I invited one of my girlfriends, Liz, and we went and had a ball.
Introduction of the riders

Look at those chaps!

This is the guy that is supposed to lasso the bull when it doesn't want to go back out of the ring.

This is the cowboy clown that tells really dumb stories and jokes.

Getting ready to let out the bull and rider.

This bull got rid of his rider and now he's looking for someone new to throw.  He's a little too close and personal for me.

"The Wave" after it had come by us already.

Even the rodeo staff got into The Wave

The clown decided to ride his own bull a little later in the competition.

Rider and bull went down on this ride.

This guy got hung up in his rope.

Still hanging in their - like a helicopter.

Still trying to get loose.  I think his arm stretched a couple of inches.

Some of the evenings entertainment.  These guys were doing barrel races.  They were supposed to look down towards their feet and follow lines on the dirt.

There were occasional collisions between the barrels.

Now that's a beer belly!

Got his hat, got his big belt buckle, got his boots and got his beer.

Run, run as fast as you can!

This bull did not want to wait for his rider.

I think it's been awhile since this bull has had a bath.

Here's his dirty cousin.

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