Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Today In History...

July 19, 1799…The Rosetta Stone, a tablet with hieroglyphic translations into Greek, was found in Egypt.

In July of 2000, when Corey and I went on vacation to England, one of the things we did was visit the British Museum.  What a fantastic place and somewhere I'd love to go visit again some day.  While there one of the things we got to see on display with The Rosetta Stone.
Corey standing in front of the "Rosetta Stone".  It was the key that unlocked the mysteries of Egyptian hieroglyphics.  Napoleon's troops discovered it in 1799 near the seaside town of Rosetta in lower Egypt and it eventually made its way into the British Museum.  It is a slab of black basalt dating from 196 BC inscribed with ancient Egyptians with a royal decree praising their king Ptolemy V.  The inscription is written three times, one in hieroglyphics, one in demotic and one in Greek.  From this meager starting point, Egyptologists eventually managed to read most everything that remains of the Egyptians ancient writings.
The Rosetta Stone

Even in England, Corey managed to "chat up" a girl who just happened to attend Georgia State University.

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