Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Little White House - Warm Springs, Georgia

On January 30, 1982, Les and I decided to do some sightseeing several miles from our home. We decided to go to Warm Springs, Georgia which was the Georgia home of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. There was a celebration taking place commemorating the 100th birthday of FDR.

We passed through the town of Preston and Les wanted his picture taken by the sign...

This is "The Little White House" where FDR died...

On the way home, we passed through Plains which was the home of Jimmy Carter former President of the United States...

1 comment:

  1. I love that place ! I took about four of my students there this past Feb. to see not only it, but some of the surviving Tuskeegee Airmen who were there. Since there are less than 400 of the original ones left, it was a really cool experience. My students loved it just like I did....
