Saturday, January 7, 2012

It's 2012

I can't believe it's already seven days into the new year.  So much for starting those new plans and resolutions at the beginning of the year.  I'll just justify that by saying I'm doing more contemplating and pondering on how to implement the ones I want to keep and how to rationalize getting rid of the ones that I'm probably going to wimp out on anyway. 

A new year is supposed to be a sign of promise, of hope.  I know that hope won't come from focusing on the uncertain nature of either Joe's or my daily situations.  The truth is, that it is possible to find hope if I trust in the generosity of life - my Heavenly Father, my family, my friends.  Not that I can expect any particular outcome just because I want it.  But I can expect to find help and understanding in every situation I face, now matter how difficult the circumstances may seem, IF I am aware of and ask for that help and understanding.  My dad tells me all the time to "stop denying others their blessings from service.  I don't have to do everything myself". 

At the beginning of the new year I've always tried to determine what my "word of the year" will be.  Let's just take stock of previous years before announcing this year's new word, huh?

2009 - Adjustment - To see what my impending adjustments were anticipated to be, you can go to the article and read about it and see how it all turned out -

2010 - Patience -  Hmm, still need to work on that one.

2011 - Joy - How'd that work out for me?  By and large not too good at all!  Thank goodness 2011 is over and done with.  Now it's time to move on to my new word for 2012...(drum roll)

And the word is CHANGE! (Please no alluding to President Obama's campaign slogans)!  The definition of change in my situation is...
1. The act, process, or result of altering or modifying (I want at least one hour of quiet time alone in the morning.  I can spend that time reading and/or doing some exercise without having to attend to Joe.  I want to read a book, a magazine, anything!  I want to be able to have Joe tucked into bed by 10:00 each night so that I can finish up my day with at least one hour of quiet time to reflect on the day by blogging or reading).: a change in facial expression.  (I want to smile more and really mean it).
2. The replacing of one thing for another (changing up routines at home, i.e., spending so much time with Joe and not spending alone time for me at the computer.  I want to get back to blogging on a regular basis.  I want to get my book project completed by Christmas this year.; substitution: a change of atmosphere (a new job with benefits that will work with me when Joe has medical commitments).
3. A transformation or transition from one state, condition, or phase to another (I want to continue to stay one step ahead of Joe's needs so that I don't continue to feel like his mother or his maid.  I want to find and experience more love for him).
4. Something different; variety. ( I want to be able to attend a class or go to a meeting or have lunch with a friend without feeling guilty). 

So, let's get back together again at the beginning of 2013 and see if I was fortunate enough to have accomplished what I wanted to this year.


  1. Welcome back to bloggerland...I'm glad you're here! Love you, Mama Weaver!

  2. FINALLY trying to get back on track with the blogging! That's one of my resolutions for this year. I've missed it.
