Friday, January 27, 2012

More Changes?

I have to keep reminding myself each day that "Today is the best day ever"!  It's become a daily mantra.  I am finding out that with each day, things keep evolving and change is definitely inevitable.  Life seems to be on a slow motion spiral and when it will end only our Heavenly Father knows.  I realize that generally today won't be as good as yesterday, but that today will most likely be better than tomorrow.  This primarily relates to Joe and the unpredictableness (hmm, is that even a word?) of his life.

We are now in week two of such changes for Joe.  He has been exhibiting the following symptoms on pretty much a daily basis.  His physical therapist would not even work with him the other day for fear of Joe collapsing or worse.  The symptoms include:

  • the worse of which is...plummeting blood pressure.  It went from 190/something to 80/43 in just the matter of minutes while at the cardiologist's office for a routine pacemaker checkup.
  • loss of use of his legs wherein he starts to bobble in his legs and then collapses.  When assisted, his legs tend to just drag. 
  • a slight trembling in his hands.
  • an irregular heartbeat.
I am grateful that when these episodes have happened I haven't been alone with him as he becomes total dead weight and it is difficult to hold him up.  And, they have been witnessed while at the Senior Center by their staff, while at dialysis, while at physical therapy and most importantly, while at the cardiologist's office.  It helps to validate and confirm that there is something wrong happening.

Are these symptoms related to his new medications from a couple of weeks ago?  Are these symptoms related to the possibility of fluid returning to his brain?  Thus far this month, we have made two trips to the emergency room, had an appointment with his cardiologist, have an appointment with a neurologist next week, have had an appointment with his primary care doctor and telephone conversations with his kidney doctor and various nurses and have no answers yet.  I have been told to remove one of his blood pressure medications and move one from the morning dose to the evening dose.

At this point, it's a matter of wait and see what happens.

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