Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What Was Your Husband Doing In The Kitchen at 2:00 am?

When the kids came back from Idaho the other night, they brought back a present for Joe - huckleberry jam. Joe loves toast for his breakfast and the kids know how much he LOveS huckleberry anything. When they gave him the jar, he face lit up and he you could almost see the drool running out of his mouth.
When Corey asked Joe what he was going to do with his jam, Joe exclaimed he was going to have some on some ice cream. (That is his favorite ice cream and he eats it anytime he runs across some).
Anyway, I woke up the other morning around 2:00 a.m. and Joe was not in the bed so I went looking for him. I caught him red-handed spooning some huckleberry jam over a cup of vanilla ice cream. He said he'd not been able to sleep just thinking of that huckleberry jam and knowing the ice cream was in the freezer. So rather than lie awake, he took action and them came back to bed and went to sleep.


  1. i know that you are probably using this dark page and type because it is Halloween, but is soooo difficult to read.....

  2. This is just one of the many reasons why I love Momma and Pappa Weaver! Sister T. would be proud.

  3. Susie - you're right - it's Halloween stuff which I'll change mo shortly.

    Kris - do you have any way to contact Sister T.? I've lost her email. Is she on Facebook perhaps?

  4. I have no idea. She completely disappeared after we left the mission. I heard a floating rumor that she was married, but I couldn't pinpoint the original source to confirm it. Maybe she's on Facebook...I don't know, since I'm not. But I do love that crazy girl!
