Saturday, October 17, 2009

Leonard Landlord

Leonard Landlord is the man who owns the house we rent. He is a man from whom Joe and I have learned a great deal of patience. We have found him not be very reliable or truthful when it comes to taking care of problems around the house.

He begins a project and it takes FOREVER for him to complete it. It's been a long time since I've had to rent from anyone and it is really frustrating to have to wait on someone to take care of problems.

The above pictures are examples of what I mean...

Earlier this year I posted a blog about our newly poured front walkway to the sidewalk. We were so thrilled to have this done for us. However, it was only just recently that the forms to hold the cement were finally knocked out and look at the gaps between the sidewalk and lawn. L.L. was going to have that fixed MONTHS ago. And, the trailer at the end of the sidewalk was parked there for a couple of weeks until it was finally moved yesterday.

When we moved into the house ten months ago, we had problems with the front gate. It was about to blow over and since we had the dogs, we nailed it shut and have been unable to use it. L.L. was going to replace it for us and he finally began to do so...about four weeks ago. He began working on it the week we were leaving for Jackson and it still is not complete as of this writing. He was supposed to come over every day this week, but keeps putting it off so we'll see if I write another blog about this in another week or two. The pictures show the new fence section still standing on its side so that the dogs won't escape from the backyard since September 24th.

Renting sucks!

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