Thursday, October 8, 2009

Yes, Virginia...Wyoming Does Have A Beach!

Imagine our surprise when traveling home when I discovered this gorgeous beach complete with beautiful blue water and white sandy beaches! However, I doubt that my tooties will ever go swimmming in this. Can you just imagine how cold the water would be!!! The following two pictures were made at Boysen State Park. The wind was blowing so hard it was making waves on the shore. Boysen State Park is one of the larger parks in the Wyoming State Park System. It is a lake-orientated park at the south end of the Owl Creek Mountains at the mouth of Wind River Canyon now part of the Wind River Canyon Scenic Byway.


  1. Hi there, I love your site! I too am a military family- newly married to an Army man and there sure are alot of things to remember! I'm trying, but I keep getting oll those pesky acronims comfused! Oh well, I just wanted to say hello, and drop me a note sometime if you ever want to chat! :)

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