Friday, July 3, 2009

It's So Quiet!!!

I'm all alone in a house. The kids house, but a house nevertheless. Yes, all by myself. How fantastic is this?! I rarely, ever, almost never have a house to myself at anytime and so this is very special. Hmmmm. I could take a mid-morning nap. I could go outside and play with the chickens. I could watch television. I could go ahead and take my shower. Oh, the possibilities are limitless. But here I sit typing a blog about being by myself instead. How did this happen? Nikki has gone to work and Corey, Derek, Joe and the furry kids have ridden off in his truck to run errands. And, I stayed here! By myself!

I like to think of taking this time as a matter of self-reflection and some good needed soul-searching instead. It gives me the opportunity to reflect on how blessed I am in so many ways.

As I am at the beginning of the eighth month of our move out West, to say that my life has changed dramatically in the previous seven months would definitely be an understatement. Let me just break it down a little:

  • First there was the sudden move to Wyoming over Thanksgiving weekend and beginning my new job on the following Monday. I really had no idea what the full extent of my job would entail other than being a secretary in an oilfield. (That sounded fascinating enough). And, I certainly had no idea WHERE the oilfield was located. Oh my gosh - if I'd taken my future boss up on the offer of "just driving out sometime and seeing where the field was located", I might have changed my mind. However, I'm grateful and thankful I did get that job in many ways. I've met new people that I enjoy working with and I've met a person that I consider to be my best friend since my move here. (Thank you Trina in so many ways)! The people in my department are like extended family. Some you like better than others, but just look over their faults and imperfections and get over it. After all, I spend 11 hours a day with these people and eat a meal with them four days a week. That's 44 hours with the oilfield family per week and about 54 waking hours with Joe per week.

Spending so little time with Joe is one of the reasons I enjoy being to go off and do something different during the three days I have off every week. It gives us the time to be together and make new memories for us. It gives him the chance to get out of the house and do something different. It gives me the chance to do something different other than come home, eat and sleep for four days straight.

So, the job is: long, interesting, a learning experience, long, exciting when new opportunities come along, etc., but it pays well, it affords me great benefits and it's a sure thing for a long time - I hope!

  • There has been Joe's two surgeries and recovery time since the move here which have both been difficult, but he's almost fully recovered. Recovery is taking place in two ways - mind and body and he's almost back to the position of the man I married. That is a real blessing.
  • I/We am blessed with a cute, small rental home when so many others in our city have problems locating good affordable housing. So this is a real special blessing for us, especially since I secured it before we ever moved to Casper. We have been blessed with a good landlord who though he may be slow, has taken care of needs we may have had. He poured us a new sidewalk just so it would be easier for Joe. He moved a ceiling fan over our bed just because it would be nicer for me. His family even brought food and come over daily to share lunch with Joe after one of his surgeries.

I do admit there are some things that I gave away or left behind that I miss from time to time, but the move did force me to "simply" my life. In our new home there is everything in it's place so there can be a place for everything. And, housecleaning is so quick and much simpler now.

  • I/we are blessed with a great church family. I love my visiting teacher who is becoming a very good friend to me and my Relief Society president who has looked after me since the beginning of our move. Joe has developed a great friendship with two retired brothers who have looked after his needs and become very good friends and lunch together frequently.
  • I/We am blessed by where our cute/little home is located. It's in such a fantastic location for so many reasons - shopping, work in town, bus stops, church, etc., etc.
  • I/We am blessed by good neighbors who have shown great kindness to us and don't throw wild parties or vibrate our windows with loud music and have tolerated our barking furry kids. They may have even been the unknown angel who shoveled the snow from our walkway and sidewalk on a couple of occasions.
  • I/We have been blessed to move to such a state than upon first impression to us and many may seem to be desolate and unattractive. We have, however, found it to be quite fascinating, intriguing, beautiful and offers many, many opportunities to explore our rich history. We have everything from dinosaurs to cowboys and Indians to pioneers. We have everything from snow-covered majestic mountains, beautiful lakes and streams and creeks to stark, sagebrush covered deserts and so much more. It's a state where only a few miles can transport you to something so totally different than you last left. We love it here!
  • I am blessed to be closer to Corey and Nikki and Derek. Though it may take a few hours to make the trip, it is so much nicer than making a very expensive trip every six months. It's a blessing to be closer in case of time of emergency or need and knowing that though most of my family is still in the South, I do have family out here.

Those were and are blessings I've received primarily in the last few months. However, other blessing I have are...

  • The blessings of a good and loving family. I love my mom and dad for giving me life and the kind of life I can be proud of. They always made sure we had a good place to live and enough food and clothing. Our home was filled with love and I knew my parents loved each other because they showed that love to each other.

I really love my sisters and my brother. Though we may not talk to each other often, I know there is a good connection between them and me. My love of these family members has become even more special to me since the move and after leaving the family reunion. I realized that it might be the last time I would see some of them. I love my extended family members as well.

I am blessed thus far health wise. Yes, I could and should watch what I eat, floss more often, exercise, sleep more, but I did have a good report on my mammogram and pap smear this year and I've not been sick or had a cold, so all that is a true blessing.

  • But, my biggest blessing is Joe. Though we have disagreements at time, I know this...I know that Joe loves me and I know that I love him. I'm thankful for his commitment to me. I'm thankful for his membership and faithfulness in the church. I'm thankful he is a worthy priesthood bearer. I'm thankful he loves my son and Nikki and Derek. I'm thankful he doesn't "rule" me, but rather lets me be free. I'm thankful for opportunities he's presented to me to learn patience and understanding. He is the love of my life and I know my Heavenly Father saved him for me for this time in my life. Life isn't always easy, but he makes it so much easier for me. And that is the sweetest blessing of all.

So, all in all, I'm doing well and my life is truly blessed. God is good to me. And guess what? Everyone's home.

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