Monday, March 9, 2009

Ahh...It's The Smell of Winter

Maxine says it so well in these pictures about winter which returned to us today. It's been so nice with the warmer weather we'd been experiencing for the last couple of weeks. But alas, that all changed today and definitely tonight. It has snowed all day long since I left for work this morning and hasn't quit. Because of all this, I have implemented Plan A of winter survival. And what is that? I DON'T want to get stuck in the snow in my neighborhood like I did a few weeks ago. So my solution is parking across the street at the shopping center. I decided to park in the Albertson's parking lot which should be plowed each morning (I hope). And I hope that I have parked my car in the right place and that it doesn't get towed away during the night.

After work I dropped off a few items at the house, drove to the parking lot and walked home. What an exciting walk that was bundled up in my boots, my gloves, my hat and the hood up on my coat. The snow was blowing directly on my face and I made a mental note to wear a scarf around my face when I walk back in the morning. And, I better not forget the thermal underwear either!!! If all goes well and the car is there in the morning, then I'll be doing the same thing tomorrow night since we're expecting more snow. Oh, did I mention that there's supposed to be about 6-8" of snow tonight and the additional 2" tomorrow?

Doing all this is hopefully going to reduce my stress about whether I can get home or whether I can get to work. I'll let you know how it goes.

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