Sunday, April 24, 2011

Achmed and Walter

The day I was laid off from my job was the same evening that Joe and I had the opportunity to go to see Jeff Dunham in concert with his menagerie of characters. We had purchased tickets several months ago to go see the show. The night of the show wound up being one of the coldest ones I can remember and we had to stand outside with many others until the doors were opened. I thought we were going to freeze to death.

Jeff has many characters, but I'm showcasing my two favorite dummies. They are the reason I wanted to see them in a live show. I've provided a recording of a sampling of his show with each character. Listen at your own risk as these characters have a mind of their own, especially Walter.

Achmed the Dead Terrorist

Achmed is the skeletal corpse of an incompetent suicide bomber, whom Dunham uses to satirize the contemporary issue of terrorism. He is known for yelling, "Silence! I keel you!" to Dunham and people laughing in the audience. When mentioning that Achmed appears to be dead because he's a skeleton, Achmed responds, "It's a flesh wound." Although he frequently mentions working for Osama Bin Laden, Achmed claims he doesn't think he's a Muslim ("look at my ass! It says 'Made in China'").

Walter is a retired, grumpy old man with arms always crossed in discontent. He has a brash, negative and often sarcastic view on today's world. He is a Vietnam War veteran and a former welder, and "doesn't give a damn" about anyone, especially his own wife and certain audience members. He's been married for several decades, and when Dunham asks him if he remembers the happiest moment of his life after Walter tells him he has been married for forty-six years, Walter responds, "Forty-seven years ago!" (Does he look a little like Joe to you)?

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