Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hi, My Name Is Carol Weaver...

...and I want and need a job. It's now April 24th and 94 days since I lost my job. To some people that might be totally devastating. I've lost jobs in the past and it definitely wasn't the best thing to have happened to me - at the time.

Many wonderful things have happened since the job loss and I hope that I can remember to record them so that whoever reads this sometime in the future (including myself) will realize how blessed I've been and that I can truly see the hand of my Heavenly Father in things that have occurred.

Let me begin with the actual job searches. I was so sure I'd be hired within just a matter of days. In fact, I felt quite certain I would be hired and working within one month because I have an excellent resume, initiative, wasn't afraid to do whatever, have lots of experience and several great recommendation letters. I don't think it's a matter of being cocky, it's just a matter of confidence in my abilities.

I've applied with the City of Casper, oil companies, drilling companies, a uranium company, natural gas companies, the college, an electric company, a health center, a hospice, medical facilities, pipe companies, a trucking company, a bank, the county, Head Start, and several other places. I've had interviews - not enough apparently, but I've got stiff competition since usually 80-100 people are applying for the same job.

I have at least been working temporary, part-time for an insurance company that allows me to come and go as I wish. Because of that, I've been able to pick Joe up from his dialysis treatments rather than have him ride the bus home in the afternoon. It's also allowed me to spend time with him on the non-dialysis days which has become very special for me. I've watch Joe heal, both mentally and physically, on a daily basis. I've watched him regain some of his strength and stamina and start to become a little happier each day.

My mantra is that Heavenly Father is making me wait for the "right" job to come along or he wants me to spend more time with Joe. Whatever the reason, I guess I'll just have to learn more patience.

Now it's time to get back to the want ads...

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