Sunday, December 13, 2009

RMOTC Christmas Party

Friday night we attended the company Christmas party at Three 3 Crowns Golf course. We wanted to be fashionably on time, so we arrived about 6:45 since I thought it began at 7:00. Boy was I wrong! People had been there for at least an hour already socializing. We would have been there sooner if the wind hadn't kept blowing us back home!

We had a wonderful buffet dinner and then played a "Name That Tune" game. I won two prizes - a $10.00 gift card to the brand new stadium seating movie theater and a free car wash. The car wash will be used much, much later - maybe sometime about next April. I correctly named the song and artist of "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" by Charlie Daniels (can't understand why I knew that one) and "I Heard It Through The Grapevine" by Marvin Gaye one of my old-time favorite songs.

It was so nice to dress up and wear real make-up. This was only the second time I'd dressed up in nice slacks and a blouse since the move here and it felt really strange.


  1. James' work party was Saturday night. I was sick, so I missed it. He was on the food committee, so he had to stay until it was all over- they partied until 1:00 am! He said he was too old to party like that anymore.

  2. I, too, feel too old to party like that anymore. I really push it to stay up past 10:00 anymore!
