Sunday, December 13, 2009

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho It's Off To Work I Go...

Good morning Mother Nature! This is the temperature when I got in the car the other morning and by the time I got to the carpool parking lot, it was -13 degrees. What's three degrees difference though, huh?

The temperature in the greenhouse between my office and the rest of the department...

Scooping up the snow outside of my office...

Do you think it was snowing???

Can you see how cold in the greenhouse? Seriously, the foggy looking stuff is the ice crystals floating around.

Yes, it was plowed, but more snow fell...

This is looking outside one of the greenhouse screen windows towards the back of the office...

This is the time/weather clock in Mary's office. It measures wind speed (23 mph at that moment), wind chill (-29 at that moment), actual temperature (-7 at that moment), average wind speed (17 mph during a ten minute period) and notice the humidity - 3%. Eat your heart out south Georgia people!!!

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