Saturday, April 5, 2008

What A Difference One Week Can Make In Your Life

I started looking at all the family blogs tonight realizing it had been awhile since I'd posted anything. So, I began thinking about what I would write and then it came to me...what a difference one week can make in a persons life.

One week from now I will have been sealed in the Mt. Tippanogas temple for time and all eternity to the love of my life. What a journey that's been and that's a whole different story to write about at a later time. At this point, I can only imagine what the day will have gone like - a mixture of excitement with me most likely shedding tears with mascara running down my cheeks, grateful that someone loves me as much as Joe does, looking around the room and seeing my son and my daughter-in-law, my mother and loving friends sharing this experience with us. And then the next day being able to watch my first grandchild blessed by my son and seeing my husband stand in the prayer circle while I most likely shed more tears with mascara running down my cheeks. Wow, how blessed I will be!

But before any of that happens, there'll be the flight out to Utah with Joe and Mom with the layover in Chicago. I'm sure that will have the makings of another interesting story. At this point, I cannot imagine what it will be like to finally meet my grandchild for the very first time. How will he act towards me? Will he cry when I hold him because he wants someone other than me? What will he smell like? How will he feel when I hold him in my arms? I can hardly wait to get those questions answered. Three days and counting...

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