Monday, March 12, 2012

Today In History...Girl Scouts

March 12, 1912…In Savannah, Georgia, Juliette Gordon Low gathered together 18 girls to register the first troop of the Girl Guides of America. In 1913, its name was changed to the Girl Scouts of the United States.

I was a Brownie beginning in 1961, if memory serves me correctly and continued after we moved to Japan.  That's where Susan became a Brownie also.  Mom was a Brownie leader and always took an active part in whatever activities we were involved in.  That's one of the things I've always loved about her.  She never was a drop you off and pick you up later kind of Mom. 

About the only thing I remember from Brownies was making a "sit-upon".  What is a sit-upon? For
the uninitiated, it is an insulated and (usually) waterproof pad, often homemade, used to protect the user's backside from the cold and damp while "sitting upon" the ground!

The sit-upons were made using a vinyl cloth-backed tablecloth in the largest standard rectangular size 54" x 90". which made 9 sit-upons per tablecloth.  Here's how to do it:

Precut the tablecloth into nine sections according to the picture at right using pinking shears along the gray lines shown in the picture. Discard the side edge pieces since the corners are not square and it's extra fabric anyway. Each section will be 15" x 30".

Fold each section in half so that you have a 15x15" sit upon. Stuff folded newspapers inside or use squares of donated carpet padding that you have precut to 13"x13" sections.  Use a hole punch to punch holes about every inch all the way around about a half inch from the edge. Depending on the age and abilities of the girls, you can have them punch the holes, or you can help them.

Use yarn or string to sew around. Girls can use an overlay stitch or a straight stitch if they prefer. You may need to put a piece of tape on the end of your string to make it easier to insert through the holes.

This is my original Brownie pin that I wore on my uniform...
And this was my handbook...

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