Saturday, March 17, 2012

All By Myself

This has been one of those blessed and comforting days for me, thus far. It's Saturday and Joe has gone to dialysis for the last of his three sessions this week. It's been a wonderful week. No drama of any sort from anyone. The weather has been glorious and life's literally been like a breath of fresh air for me. I can hardly believe that the third month of this year is already over. Where has time gone? What have I accomplished? What have I missed not doing? I can answer that last question easily enough. Let's see:
  • I've missed blogging - very badly. It sometimes seems as though it's the only way to use my latent creativity and I've not done very well doing it in the last several months. Too many things that have hampered me that I consider "more important". I haven't felt that I could just sit down at my desk and blog when so many other things needed to be done, i.e., housecleaning, planning upcoming meals, rearranging closets and furniture, getting Joe organized and happy, etc.
  • I've missed not taking photographs. They didn't have to be spectacular majestic photos, but just things that are meaningful to me. I've missed not getting to learn and educate myself more with my camera. Hmmm, another creative outlet that I've pushed aside. I'm beginning to see a pattern.
  • I've missed taking the time to write thank you notes that I've been meaning to do. Some of these cards go back to last October. I've mentally and verbally done the thanks, but I want them done in writing. I think sending a card that you've spent the time and effort to find and write means a lot more than just a mention of thanks. I'm grateful every time I've received a card in the mail. It makes what little gift of time or food or service so much more appreciated and exciting. When they arrive, I try to remember and tape them to the inside of my linen closet so that I can keep those fond memories close by.
  • I haven't gotten our taxes done yet. Got all the required paperwork, I think, but haven't even started putting it all together.
This picture shows alot of the things I need to begin and complete.  I've got a brand new address book - no entries yet.  I've got various medical paperwork that needs to be completed and returned or mailed.  I've got a couple of books I want to finish looking through.  I've got a Relief Society handbook that needs to be given to the person on my visiting teaching list.  I've got items that need to be filed or framed, etc.

This is why I don't blog.  No time, energy or room at my desk.
  • I miss naps!  I hardly ever take them anymore.  I don't even take a Sunday afternoon nap.  For some reason that all seemed to change once we moved to Wyoming.  I think it was because I had to get up so early the next morning, that it messed up my sleeping at night, so I gave them up.
  • I miss reading.  I can't tell you the last time I've just sat or laid down to read a book.
It's been a wonderful day.  After I put Joe on the bus for dialysis this morning, I got on the phone and called several old friends to catch up with them.  "A morning spent talking to friends, is never wasted".  Can't recall if that's a quote I read somewhere or if I'm just so brilliant that I penned it myself, but it's true.  The older I get, the more precious those friendships become. 

Hopefully Joe has had a good session today.  I'm planning on taking him out on a date tonight.  I think he needs a change in his routine and I'm just the person to do that.
Note:  We did go to the Olive Garden for dinner tonight.  Gotta use those coupons when you have 'em.  The service was so slow that the manager gave us a $50 gift card.  I think we came out ahead!

    1 comment:

    1. Sweetheart, you NEED some "you time" too. I think you should set a goal and stick to it. I dunno, fifteen minutes a day or one hour on Thursdays or something that seems doable. You have to be a priority too...Just saying. :) Love you!
