Monday, March 15, 2010

More Excitement With Joe - Again!

Last week Joe wasn't feeling well - it was like a bad cold. After being medicated with a cold medicine with an expectorant, I finally made the decision to take him to the emergency room. He had begun exhibiting symptoms of delusion, hallucinating, running a high temperature, vomiting, etc. After an examination, he was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and some heart failure.

This is what he looked like when he was taking one of his brief naps. (That'll teach him to go to sleep).

How do you like his "tiger paw" socks?

Here is Joe trying to put his oxygen line back in his nose - backwards...

Here is the end result...

Here he is doing one of his many breathing treatments...he called this smoking his peace pipe... (We found out later that the medicine used in the treatment was one of the contributing factors to his loss of kidney function).

This is his George Washington look. The washclothes were put on his head to cool him after his temperature spiked and just before he was moved to ICU. One of the nurses commented that he looked like George Washington and all he needed was black buckled shoes to go with his white "pantyhose". (He really was sick here, but I couldn't resist taking this picture).

This lovely creature is modeling a new line of white pantyhose that help keep blood clots from forming (and don't you love the cute little dress too)...

At home in his ICU room...

After spending two days here and getting a handle on his pneumonia, Joe was then transferred to another hospital for them to deal with it and his renal failure problem...

All of this has occurred from last Thursday until today (Monday). Though the pictures look deceiving, Joe has been and is still very sick as he is still running high temperatures every afternoon, still battling his pneumonia, trying to get his kidneys functioning semi-normally, etc. I just want him home.
(And he was released finally on Tuesday evening to return home).


  1. Our prayers are with you both!

  2. Poor Joe!! I hope his kidneys treat him right soon.

  3. You know what they say about laughter being the best medicine. Tell him we are laughing with him and not at him. those pics are pretty funny.

  4. Hey ! I love my Bear Paws socks! And the mugs from the hospital are my favorite drinking glass!
