Sunday, March 21, 2010

...before I take you ole biddies with me again!

In 1977, I decided I wanted to go to Canada on vacation since that's a place I'd never been before. I also decided that I would take Mom along with me, as well as Aunt Rachel. So with the car packed and everyone loaded in the car, we took off for a week's work of vacation.

Not too far out of town, Aunt Rachel, who was seated in the backseat of the car commented, "Well Hazel, it must be a cold day in hell because here we are off on another trip with Carol"! (See blog "It'll be a cold day in hell..." dated 3/3/10 for further details).

Here's Mom tying her tennis shoes somewhere along the trip. (She was almost 43 at the time). On one of our stops in Canada on the way to Thunder Bay...

During our trip we visited a site where we walked down a path to the edge of Lake Superior and saw a mist-covered island and petroglyphs drawn on the side of a mountain wall; we were stopped by a rock slide on the only highway we were taking through Canada and were delayed about an hour; we saw some moose(s) for the first time ever and Mom made me get out and take pictures (found out later that was a big no-no as they could have charged me).

We had a wonderful time together and I'm hoping I find more of the pictures I took (like the moose(s) and add them at a later time.


  1. Wow, how old would she have been then?

  2. Hey Carol! I hope all is well with Joe. What is your address? We would like to send you a birth announcement for our sweet little boy :)
