Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fossil Butte National Monument

People ask me from time to time..."Hey Carol, why aren't there more pictures of you on the blog.? There are usually only pictures of Joe." I think the following two pictures which ARE on this blog will illustrate quite perfectly the reason why there aren't more pictures of me on the blog when Joe IS the only person around to use the camera.

Exhibit A...

I think that's quite a good likeness of me, don't you agree? I always thought my left side was my best side.

Then there is Exhibit B...

Thank goodness this picture is not clear and defined. Then you might really get to see the look of disgust, impatience and irritation I was experiencing about this time. The reason for the bad picture according to Joe? "You're too short and it's hard to fit you and the sign in the same shot". This is after I've explained about the automatic focus and how just asking me to back up or move forward or sideways could also be used. Hence, the reason for a lack of pictures of me on the blog. But, just for the fun of it, I think I'll start adding some of those precious "Joe took the picture" moments on the blog. I'm sure they'll be simply forgettable.

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