Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Peanut Butter Lovers Day Is Tomorrow

This blog is dedicated to my dad - the King of Peanut Butter and Peanut Butter Lovers Day must have been begun just for him. Growing up I remember my dad putting peanut butter on his bowl of ice cream. I don't really remember him eating it any other way, but do remember the crunchy peanut butter on the ice cream.

I love peanut butter! The crunchier the better! I love peanut butter sandwiches especially if they are made with "squishy" fresh bread and the jelly is either grape or strawberry. And, it has to be paired with a tall glass of ice cold milk. Wow, that is sooooo good. Peanut butter used in combination with chocolate is also a wonderful thing to behold (and eat).

I used to love peanut butter. I especially love it straight out of the jar using a very large spoon. The honey-roasted flavor was a great dessert or snack. (Then a couple of years ago, I apparently ate too much from the jar or something I'd eaten earlier didn't agree with my tummy. A few hours later I became very violently sick and became very good friends with my toilet. (The next part is to be read at your discretion...I got so sick I had peanut butter come out of my mouth AnD nose!!! Yes, nose!!!) Since that day I've not been able to bring myself to eat peanut butter out of a jar. In fact, I can't remember the last time I've had a PB&J sandwich either. Hmmm, maybe it's time to try again. NOT!!!

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